

  • DRON__IA, Sala 3, ETOPIA Centro de Arte y Tecnología, Zaragoza, Spain 2020-2021

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DRON__IA is an interactive artistic installation that shows how machines see you with two latest generation technologies: DRONES and Artificial Intelligence (AI). It consists of two experimentation spaces: The first is an installation that, by means of a swarm of surveillance drones using cameras and security technology, captures images and data from visitors showing and experiencing the observation capabilities of the DRONES. The second space shows all the potencial power of an AI with the recorded information. The images and captured data will be shown exhibiting the participant with the results and information obtained in a context of processing with AI algorithms. Finally, the exhibition is completed with three audiovisuals that mainly analyze these technologies, also in Art, providing complementary information to complete the exhibition.

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The fact that we are being observed with the help of machines and computing devices is present in the collective imagination thanks to, for example, cinema and literature (with films such as 1984 or “Minority Report” or series such as “Person of interest”) and also due to the proliferation of concepts such as smartcities, video surveillance systems or, more recently, the expansion of applications with surveillance drones.This permanent monitoring extends to the capture of our data when we use the internet, social networks and mobile phones. It is something that we are only vaguely aware of but that deeply affects us. Furthermore, the increasing capabilities of machines to draw conclusions or even to "understand" what they see are not possibly sufficiently known. We are talking about Artificial Intelligence (AI).

We want to confront visitors -participants in the art installation- with the fact that they may be being observed with implications that they cannot ignore. Several drones that incorporate a small computerized camera will perform a scanning choreography to examine visitors and record data and images. The captured images of each visitor are segmented by AI algorithms to generate a digital portrait of the visitor made up of thousands of image fragments, just as the intelligence of the machines processes us.

_DRON__IA offers a thought-provoking exploration of contemporary issues surrounding surveillance, privacy, and the role of AI in society. By engaging participants in an interactive experience, the installation prompts reflection on the implications of technology on human behavior and identity. Through the creation of collective portraits, the project highlights the interconnectedness of individuals within a broader social context, inviting viewers to contemplate the complexities of modern surveillance culture.